We want to ask you to take a moment and be thankful. Thankful for the people who have helped you in many ways you might not even realize they have. In our humble opinion part of ‘awareness’ shouldn’t just be about what it is like to live with CNC or any other rare or not so rare disease. It should also be about the people that:

– care
– take the time to listen
– are your rock
– work hard
– inspire you
– are there for you

Further below you have a selection of images that we wanted to provide to you to downlad and use on social media or an e-mail or message. They are available in these languages: English, German, Dutch and Hispanic.

Treasure these people who show you empathy and who don’t shy away from you in your darkest moments; who are willing to walk with you for a bit on your journey but who can also leave you be and trust you’ll pick yourself up again. Maybe they helped you change your perspective or inspired you.

This can be your family, friends, doctors, nurses, researchers or even random strangers. These are the people who have taken the time to comb through all of the layers of three leaf clovers to find to YOU. All the while understanding that we are all on our own journey and get to choose when we are there for someone.

Be kind to others and yourself.

Thank you to our artist and translators!
Artist: J. Woods
English: J. Woods
German J. Lange, F. Schlobohm, J. Woods
Dutch: R. van der Pol
Spanish: D. Scott and D. Marlés